This is the first post in the newly created blog.
This forum is going to be used to enhance the growth of recruiters across the world. Please feel free to add comments and posts at anytime. A good debate is always welcome.
Today a true head hunter needs to have certain characteristics to be successful in today's recruitment world. Some are God given talents and some need to be developed over time.
First and foremost recruiters need to be masters at multitasking. Our industry is constantly changing from day to day. Our day consists of many projects at one time. Just think about how many open reqs you currently have open right now.
Second, is sales experience and skills. We are constantly selling to people and we don't even know if half the time. When we approach a candidate we are selling as soon as they answer.
Next, is researching skills. Us recruiters need to find people in every area of the world. Some are easy to find others take unique search skills.
Another is interviewing skills. Recruiters that interview need to be good judges of character. That means stepping outside of the basic lame behavioral based questions that everyone asks. Dig deeper into the candidates head and experiences. Find out what is really going on inside them. Our goal is to find out as much as possible in the few hours we meet with them.
That was just a couple of skills and characteristics successful head hunters need.
Finding candidates today takes moderization. A great recruiter has networks in many different areas.